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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day Doggie Parade

The annual Pet Parade was held this morning on Doggie Row between Winter Ranch and Trophy Gardens.  Both parks participated in the event.  It is always fun to see all the dogs all dressed up and ready to see old friends and get their treats at the end!

 Harley Westby
 Ginni, John and Harley Westby

 Jean Henderson and Chance

 Molly with Carol Ritchie and Donna Ritchie

 Pets from Trophy Gardens

 Lynn Murray and Lucy

 He's a Big Guy!

 They're getting to know each other!

 Rita and Jason Huether with Jacie and Halle

 Mary Hardesty

 Penny Vollrath and Ali

 Ali Vollrath

 Karol Swank and Pooch

 Poochie Swank

 Dianna Drake with Boo and CoCo


 Nose to Nose

 Charlie Vaughn and Pet

 What an outfit!  How glamorous   is that!

 Cooper with Patrick and Jane Snook 

 The Parade

 The Parade Continues

 Stopping to chat with the onlookers

 Janet Kirkman and Bailey

 Sherri Melvin and Benny

 Someone went down for the count and had to be strollered back!

 Sharon Adelmund


 Someone got a little tangled up!

 Don Adelmund

 Biker Boy

 Tuxes look great on Westies

 Trophy Gardens Pooch

 Arnie Huether, Maggie Moody and Barb Wilson

Leah Einsiedel with Carmel and Kay Schultz

 Shirley Smith and Jo Kinkead with Pic

 Jean Holmes and Abby

 Baxter's Buggy