Our first Roundup of the Season was held today, November 18th from 3:30 - 5:00 PM. JD has introduced new meal items at the Roundup and he served hamburgers, chicken fajitas, brats and chicken salad. The menu was a hit because the kitchen was sold out by 4:30 PM. Next time, he'll know to make more for us poor starving Winter Texans! We heard the food was great but we were too late!!
Carlos Canas was our entertainment for the event. He does a really good job and sounds terrific!
Carolos Canas on Stage
We had a nice crowd for the 1st Roundup!
Nora Minor, Ginni Westby, Char Leach, and Debbie McDaniel
Kay Wilburn and Nora Minor
Carol Ritchie, Donna Ritchie, Martha and John Anderson
Judy Babler, Rich Ritchie, and Duane Ritchie
Steve Good, Chuck Cullett, Ron Doerschug, and Tom Robinson
Jean Henderson, Linda Doerschug, Pat Cullett and Judy Good
Jack Leach and John Westby
Paul Wilson and Phyllis and Bob Lauritsen
Betty and Rex Humke and Janet Wilson
Jim and Dianna Drake
Mary and Lee Benfield and Bill Siglin
Marvin and Della Ornadorff and Jennifer Williams
Judy and Joe Miller and Dick Larson
Lois and Roy Hansen
Glenda Uselman, Jim Mealy, and Ray Uselman
Russ and Carol Schierholtz and Arlene Mealy
Delta and Roger Quaintance requesting a song
Just Gotta Line Dance to Elvira!