The registration period for entering the Christmas Lighting Contest is now over and the judging has begun. Each resident will receive a Judging Ballot in their mail box by December 15. Take a tour of the park and enjoy the lights and figure out how you will vote. Choose one Lot No. for each
of the four categories:
Silent Night, Holy Night (most
religious) Display
Martha Stewart Would Be
Proud (most elegant) Display
Charlie Browniest (most
whimsical) Display
Clark Griswold Award (most
lights)Here are pictures of the Lots that are in the contest. This may help you remember which lots you liked the best.
Lot 1- William & Barbara Lester |
Lot 20 Ralph & Shirley Ress |
Lot 26 Dick & Barb DeGarmo |
LOT 30 Dwain & Donna Steward |
LOT 501 Lee & Mary Benfield |
LOT 522 Steve & Judy Good |
LOT 525 Patrick & Joann Sullivan |
LOT 553 J. A. & Carole Carmack |
LOT 556 Pat & Beth Bishop |
LOT 564 Jerry & Dawn Nabozny |
LOT 567 Charlie & Nora Minor |
LOT 576 Roger & Delta Quaintance |
LOT 580 Gene & Karen Overholser
LOT 661 John & Martha Anderson |
LOT 676 Ron & Linda Doershug |
LOT 689 Richard & Donna Ritchie |
LOT 711 Darrel & Betty Luster |
LOT 714 Bill & Sue Charbonneau |
LOT 717 Roger & Jan Howard |
LOT 727 Glenn & Judy Timmer |