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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bus Trip to Ol'D's Soda Shop

We always have a good time at Ol'D's Soda Shop.  We had the whole bus this trip and that made it even more fun!

Jack Hulsey, Our Volunteer Bus Driver
Jack has a new roulette game for us on the bus.  We can each put in a quarter and pick a number.  He has the numbers painted on the tire and where the tire stops when we arrive at our destination determines the winner!  On the way down Betty Hecker won the prize and on the way back Richard Beall won the money.

Our Dinner Entertainment

When we arrived at Ol'D's, tables were already set up for all of us.  We all found our places and then the wait staff started taking drink orders.

Cheryl and Merlin Graff and Julie and Jim Betsinger

Maggie Moody, Melva Bronkhorst and Lee Benfield

Richard Beall, Donna Jenkins, Miriam and Al Hight

Everyone checking out the menu

Another Table waiting for drinks

You could order off the menu if you wanted but it normally takes longer!

Paul and Ruth Metzler

Westbys, Minors and Wilburns

Watching the Show

Rick Shute and Charlotte McColl
A Rack of Ribs was on the buffet for as long as they lasted and, believe me, they did not last long with our crowd!  There was also pulled pork and brisket on the buffet or we could order off the menu.

There was a huge line to the buffet but it went pretty fast!

Dan and Sharron Adelmund

Lee Clement

Paula and Mike Sheridan

Lee Benfield
We were about the only ones who ordered off the menu so we really had fast service tonight!

After we ate, the entertainment and the dancing began!

Double Decker

Rocking Round The Clock
Betty Hecker and Ginny Toman being entertained
Phyllis and George Heronimus
Chatting Across the Table

Jim and Shari Melvin and Richard and Donna

Ginny and Dick Toman

Ginni and John Westby

Cathy and Larry Chapin

Sue Ende and Lee Clement Cutting A Rug

Cathy, Sue and Shari "Rolling On The River"

George and Phyllis on the Dance Floor

Betty and Jerry Hecker

Dave standing on a chair and singing

Maggie and Melva

Carolyn Kniker

Grandpa and Granddaughter on the dance floor

Al and Miriam

Barb and Dick DeGaramo

Paula decided to help this little Girl Scout Sell Cookies
This little girl was lucky to have Paula as an agent.  She made a killing.  Practically everyone on the bus took home some cookies!

Miriam and Al leaving the Dance Floor

Mary and Lee Benfield

Sue Ende and Lynn Murray

Richard Beall and Donna Jenkins

Miriam and Al Hight

Dan and Sharon Adelmund

George and Phyllis Heronimus

June and Wayne Brown

Diane and Fred Kosanke

Donna and Jack Hulsey

Judy Louks and Bill Thompson

Doug and Sherrye Elkins

Paul and Ruth Metzler

Lynn and JD Murray

Kay and Bob Wilburn

Nora and Charlie Minor

Ginni and John Westby

Dick and Ginny Toman

Sue and Al Ende

Graafs doing the Hockey Pokey

Y M C A!!

Cathy and Larry on the Dance Floor

Barb DeGaramo Peeking Out

The Elkins

Our Illustrious Managers, Cathy and Larry

Julie and Jim Betsinger

Rick Shute and Charlotte McColl
 Showing Off Their Cookies!

Cheryl and Merlin Graaf

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Alice and 
 Hang On Sloopy - Yeh Yeh!

Larry and Dody Anenson

Heading Back To The Bus

Dick and Barb DeGaramo

To sum it all up, if you haven't taken a bus trip to Ol' D's sign up next time!!

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