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Monday, March 11, 2013

Dairy Queen Bingo

The Dairy Queen in Alamo has a Bingo Night for Winter Ranch on Monday nights at 6 PM.  The group that goes to Bingo normally starts gathering early to have dinner before they play.  This was our first time at Bingo and it was really quite fun.  We especially enjoyed watching the Happy Dances that people do when they win a game!  Plus, miracle of miracles, Lee and I both won a game.  That's pretty much a miracle, folks!!

Myra Luetje and Miriam Hight getting ready for Bingo

Butch Jensen came over to chat with Miriam

Rose and Mark Williams having dinner before Bingo

Roger and Jan Howard finishing up their dinner

Sue and Bill Charbonneau finishing up their dinner

Rick and Barb Lashbrook had a little dessert

Delkonia Mills

Vernon Mills

Lonnie Brush

Woody and Marge Wohleeber

Lee Benfield and Richard Beall enjoying some DQ Treats

Jim Luetje and Al Hight

Herb and Jean Holmquist

Ginny and Dick Toman

Pam and Butch Jensen

Al and Janis Bell

Butch doing his Happy Dance!
 Sharon's a winner!
Donna Jenkins Won One!
 Lee Benfield's Happy Dance!
Bill Charbonneau assisting Jean with her Happy Dance!

Carolyn Nieland being encouraged to do her Happy Dance

Pam Jensen Won!
 Bill's a winner!