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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week of Oct 22, 2012

Steve Good rolled a 300 game in a no-tap bowling tournament on Monday.  Congrats!!!!!  If I tried to do that I would be in th "Hall of Shame".

Symphonic Band tickets are now on sale in the Main Office.  $5.00 each.  We are hoping to have the bus running for all concerts.

Barb DeGarmo will be chairing the Christmas Stocking Drive again this year.  Please bring small items and candy to fill stockings.

For those who are trying to get AT&T service and are told they do not service our area.  Ask for the retention department and tell them our address is on FM495.  There system does not have State Highway 495 listed.  Hope this helps.

Our Halloween Party is taking shape.  The schedule is: 9:00am mixed scramble golf tournament; Scavenger Hunt 10:30-12pm.  Costume Contest final during lunch.  Must check in with our chair to be judged; Bean Bag Baseball tourney at 2:00pm, Golf Cart Parade at 5:00 pm and Bingo at 6:30.  Lunch is $6.00.  Philly steak sandwich, potato salad, cole slaw, coffee and tea, and dessert. HUMMMM

Recycle will be the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month.

Safe Travels