We had a terrific New Year's Eve Party and Dance which, of course, could not take place without a bunch of dedicated people who serve as volunteers.
First, there was the Decorating Committee who came in early on the 31st to decorate the hall for the festivities.
Ken Stanek on the ladder putting up decorations on the stage |
Jack Hulsey working with the party hats |
Nora Minor, Our Decorating Coordinator, putting up New Year's Banner |
Ken and Lee Benfield working on hanging decorations from the fans |
Mary Stanek and Linda McKelvey decorating tables |
Party Hats! |
Sue Hundley and Nora adding a finishing touch |
Ken and Charlie Minor selecting more item to hang |
Jim Hundley working with decorations |
Charlie coming down from the ladder |
Ken |
Linda, Nora and Mary Benfield |
We're trying to get the garland centered correctly!
Even the Steers were decorated! |
After the hall was decorated and an hour or so before the party started, other volunteers arrived to get things organized and ready for the evening.
The Kitchen Staff |
We can't do much without a good kitchen staff. Tonight Shirley Birlingmeir, Carrie and Kent Halberg and Elinor Kroll were on duty.
Then the door people arrived and took tickets at the door. Tonight we had a full house!
John and Martha Anderson |
Lud and Connie Lerdon |
Dody and Larry Anenson |
Since tonight was a special event so our illustrious Activity Director, JD Murray acted as our Master of Ceremonies. He also worked his read end off all day getting everything in place for this evening. Then Lynn worked selling 50/50 tickets with Pearl White along with Darlene Peters and Jack Bass.
Lynn and Pearl |
Darlene and Jack |
We had a great band tonight - Jealous Heart performed and they did a bang up job. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Jealous Heart |
We had lots of dancers on the floor tonight!
Some Line Dancing Going On |
More Line Dancing |
More Line Dancers |
Patrick and Jane Snook |
Betty and Rex Humke |
Jim and Sue Hundley |
Carolyn and Jerry Nieland |
Rich and Donna Ritchie |
Delta and Roger Quaintance |
A Lot of Dancers on the Floor |
Cathy and Larry Chapin on the dance floor |
HB and Sandy Hulsey |
Bob and Paula Hughes |
It's Pretty Crowded Out There! |
It seemed to me that every table and we had lots of full tables had tons of yummy snacks and I know we didn't need to eat any dinner!
It's a Full House! |
A lot of visting going on as well as munching! |
We took a lot of group pictures this evening:
The Greens, Snyders, Schwabs and Jensens |
Judy and Dave Anzvino and Linda and Don Thompson |
Top Row: Merlin Graaf, Bill Zwanziger and Jim Betsinger
Bottom Row: Peggy Zwanziger, Julie Betsinger and Cheryl Graaf
These guys tried to confuse us by not standing in couple order but we figured it out!!
Leaches, their Corvette Club Friends, and the McKelveys |
Betty and Jerry Hecker and Sylvia and Don Short |
Myra and Jim Luetje and Carolyn and Jerry Nieland |
Donna Jacobs, Sandy Trimpe, a visitor and Faye Campbell |
Forts, Hundleys and Hodges |
Ralph and Shirley Ress and Don and Sylvia Short |
New Comer, Josie Fehring and Ruth and Tom Minson |
The Minors, Staneks and Westbys |
Flowers, Handlos, Hobsons, Humke, and Noltes |
Another Table of Revelers |
Richard Beall, Donna Jenkins, Hights, Benfields and Thurstons |
The Andersons, Ritchies, Bablers and Jerry Ritchie and Susan Prue |
There were lots of party goers tonight:
Shirley Snell |
Richard Bealle and Donna Jenkins |
Miriam and Al Hight |
Mary and Lee Benfield |
Sue Henderson and Tom Robinson |
Nora talking to the Hights |
Wilbur Jacobs and Mickey Hazlett |
Gary Campbell and Chuck Trimpe |
Mary and Mickey Hazlett |
Sandra and Bob Garcia |
Judy and Bob Babler |
Dave and Judie Anzivino |
Vic and Penny Vollrath |
What is Dave Nolte up to?? |
Janet and Gerald Handlos |
We're all lit up! lol |
Patrick and JoAnn Sullivan |
The Fields - Gail is our Trip Coordinator (from Trophy Gardens) |
Bob and Peggy Zierath and Candy Zierath |
Damien and Pat Kenkel |
Marie and Bill Siglin |
Donna Jacobs won a free ticket to see the Killer Bees |
JD Awarding the 50/50 Pot - over $350!! |
John Anderson giving Jerry Ritchie a door prize |
Karen Timko |
Phoebe Farr and Romelle Nelson |
Donna McKee and Sharon Blawat |
Rod and Donna McKee |
Larry and Cathy Chapin, our Managers |
HB and Sandy Hulsey |
Elinor Kroll and Shirley Birlingmeier |
Jerry Rabitz and Karen Hanson |
Martie and Mike Senkler |
Charolotte McColl and Rick Shute |
Sandy and Chuck Trimpe |
Carrie and Kent Halberg |
The Snooks |
More Blinking Lights!! |
The Snooks and the Garcias |
Linda and Bob Haskel |
Earl and Julie Bachel |
Shirley Smith and Jo Kinkead |
Susan Prue and Jerry Ritchie |
Jerry is showing up his winning 50/50 ticket, but it didn't work! He didn't win!
Leon and Lois Green |
Ralph and Shirley Ress |
Jeri and Jim Mahan |
And, the Party's Over - Time to sing Auld Lang Syne!