1, Edition March/April 2012 5
folks, here we are – the end of another “season” at Winter
Ranch, our home away from home. Even though things are winding down,
there is still plenty of activity in the park.
SHOW on March 4th was a
hoot. My knees shake and my voice quivers if I have to speak in
front of a half dozen people, so I have nothing but admiration for
anyone who is willing to stand in front of hundreds of people and do
anything. I think the synchronized swimmers were the big hit
of the night. I didn't get pictures of the show, so I tried to
“borrow” some from the blog. Unfortunately, none of them would
save and I don't know why. I'll be taking Lee Benfield's
photo-editing class next season. Hopefully my pictures will be
better; if not, I will at least know why! Anyway, check out the
blog for pictures from the talent show.
PARADE pictures did transfer
from the blog, so 'splain that to me, hey? Give the parade
volunteers a big hand, because they won two trophies for Winter Ranch
– first in the senior division and first for overall. Here are
those who worked on the floats and/or were in the parade.
pictures all stolen from the Activities Blog. You can check them out
there and get them all identified. Great job, gang!
pictures are all from SHOW AND SHARE day last Sunday. Look at
the absolutely creative juices flowing in this park!
Are you kidding me? Arlene Krebs says she is a beginner. Hard to
weaving, crocheting, painting, ceramics. I'd love to try some of
this, but it interferes with pickleball. Besides, I'm sure I
wouldn't have the patience for it.

My Mom used to do this, before her eyes gave out. Glass bottle
– I didn't even know what that was! Jerry Blanc made this
beautiful table for Diana Mollerus in memory of Leonard Grote, who
passed away this past summer. Made from wood that Leonard planned to
bring down from his property in Missouri.
Hardesty teaches making jewelry out of beads. More Hardanger.
painting? Watercolors? Beats me, but it's gorgeous. You MUST see
it all in color to appreciate it.
glass. I did try this – I'm sure it's one of Pat Bishop's biggest
fears – that I'll be back!
Langfield is a man of many talents – he did the eagle in stained
glass, and I think I also saw him in the woodworking division.
forewarned, Pat, I want to make a stepping stone next season. Pat
has the patience of a saint! And I am enough to try the patience of
a saint. Just ask Jack.
Yup, here's Dave Langfield again.
Krebs and Linda Thomas at watercolors.
Birlingmair holding quilt made of hubby Gene's old t-shirts. What a
neat idea. We lost Gene this past summer too, along with too many
other residents. Sure hope we have a healthier summer this year.
DU SOLEIL March 15th.
Picture-taking is not allowed in the arena. If you were lucky
enough to get tickets for this show, you know how spectacular it was.
The colors, costumes, music and acrobatic feats were all
breathtaking, plus we had great seats! Thanks to JD & Lynn for
arranging this for us.
Each year a different show is presented, so even if you
have seen Cirque du Soleil before, the odds are great that it will be
a new show. I thought this year's show was even better than last
year's. It was well worth the cost of attending.
PARADE on March 16th was fun. This little guy on the
left actually stopped and posed for me.
not all pets are dogs. This beautiful Siamese cat wanted to mingle
with the dogs in the worst way!
Diana and Rita with their “babies”.
Mary H. with Shamus.
The season has ended for the pool players too. Above on
left is the season's 9 ball singles champion, Bob Wilson. On the
right is Don Granger, 8 ball singles champion. Below are Norm Winner
and Bob Wilson, 8 ball doubles champions. Congratulations.
Sometimes it isn't such a bad thing to spend all your time in a pool
But it's only raining a tiny bit.
LABELS are a huge help in the mail room for forwarding your mail to
you after you leave. Most of us have tons of those freebies we get
in the mail from outfits looking for donations. Either leave some of
those, or have the computer class make some up for you at a minimal
cost. Ask in the office if you are interested.
DAY is March 24. JD & Lynn wanted to give the volunteers a
break, so there won't be a meal this year. Instead Razz ma Tazz will
be performing at 6 p.m.
SOCIAL HOUR March 20th at 3:30.
SURE to tie down or put away anything in your yard that can blow
away. Anything left laying around can cause damage if there are
tornadoes and/or hurricanes this summer, and with this weird weather
we are having, I'm sure there will be.
hope you have enjoyed our newsletter attempts this year. We are open
to suggestions as to what you think should be included. Email me at
mcleff@hotmail.com with your
saw seven rigs leaving this morning before 10 a.m. Guess it's that
time of year again. As our fearless leader Cathy says – be kind,
be safe, and we'll see you next fall. Try to stay healthy – I'm
going broke sending out get well and sympathy cards!